The Development Coach Course
Who is eligible?
Any current ArcheryGB Level 1 / Session Coach is eligible to apply to train as a Development Coach. Alternatively, archers who have a Master Bowman classification are also eligible. The Course Tutor will have a conversation prior to the commencement of the course, to make sure you stand a good chance of successfully completing it.
Who is it aimed at?
The course is primarily aimed at enthusiastic Level 1 / Session Coaches who want to coach archers in their club, and need the skills and tools required to become an effective development coach.
What does it involve?
The course is 6 full days of lessons (normally 3 weekends), and one day of assessment. In between the candidate will need to practice in their club and on their archers, mostly in collaboration with their mentor.
How much does it cost?
The course fee is around £450, which covers everything you need (except food & travel!) This can normally be be offset by bursaries that are available for these courses. Below are examples (for Worcestershire - other counties will differ):
Worcestershire affiliated archers on one of our courses are partially funded (subject to T&Cs, see guidance notes)
Worcestershire archers on a non-Worcestershire course: £100
West Midlands Archery bursary: £100